Carnival Ecstasy
Carnival Ecstasy

Picture this, ahead of you are soft white clouds floating through a serene blue sky.  There is a gentle breeze, just enough to perfect the temperature of the sun above your head.  Below is a happy blue color with wispy white foam dancing across the deepest blue you have ever seen.  Time exists in the world somewhere, but here there are no past dues, there is no have to, and no memory of a failed to do.  You have found the elusive perfect moment.  Ahhh.

I’m Jenny and my blog focuses on stories about cruising with special tips for the Port of Galveston, and we will help you find a good margarita.  After 20+ cruises on five different cruise lines, I have found that cruising is hard to beat as a vacation destination, hobby, or recreational activity.

Orange Life Ring Labeled M S Carnival Ecstasy
Carnival Ecstasy

Let’s go back to the perfect moment. I started this blog with a story about my first cruise. That moment with the blue sky, warm sun, lovely breeze, and deep blue ocean was in August 2006.  I was sitting on the deck of an older Carnival ship, the Ecstasy, sailing through the Gulf of Mexico toward Cozumel.  The ship décor did not appeal to me.  It reminded me of a tired Las Vegas hotel and the casino was just as smoky.  I shared a small ocean view cabin with my mother and aunt.  Ocean view meant a decent size window that was always hazy because of the salt spray.  I slept in an upper bunk pulled down from the ceiling at night while we were at dinner (once up there it was surprisingly comfortable) and it was my first experience with the infamous suction toilet and clinging shower curtain.  There were plenty of things to make my first cruise a less than perfect first date, but the time spent on the ship, the half day in Cozumel, and the over the top service made for a memorable first date that left me wanting to know more.

Image of Sunset Aboard the Carnival Ecstasy
Sunset Aboard the Carnival Ecstasy

Onboard the ship there were activities around every corner offering opportunities to have fun as part of a group and I found places where I could enjoy solitude while watching the ocean pass by.  The entertainment, dining room food and service were competitive with a four-star restaurant on land.  The ship took me to the open ocean with breathtaking vistas and sunsets and a soothing environment.  It was the perfect vacation for me and I knew I had to return for a longer voyage.  I fell in love on that cruise and I still get a thrill when I am counting down for the next one.

I will tell you about the next cruise on my next blog post.  Not to leave you in suspense, I can tell you the love affair continued past 2006.  Until next time, I bid you fair weather and following seas.
